Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bailout Bonanza

Bonus Report

Niche Marketing


Copyright 2008 © – by Dave B & Thad Roe

BigCatSkillz Marketing

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Whilst we have made our best efforts to provide you with quality information, you agree not to

hold us legally responsible for any liability, damages or losses of any kind as a consequence

of following any advice, expressed or implied, within this publication or at


As this is a free sample report, you can give away this ebook as long as you do NOT

alter the contents in any way, but it must NOT be sold for ANY fee. If you copy or alter

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affiliatenicheclub.com - © 2008

Bailout Bonanza



Introduction & Overview.................................................................................3

Top Recession Proof Marketing Ideas.......................................................3

1. Help People Save Money.....................................................................3

2. Repairs & Improvements.....................................................................3

3. Target the Wealthy and Luxury Items................................................4

4. Career Changes and Education..........................................................4

5. Help People Get Out of Debt...............................................................4

6. Asset Protection...................................................................................4

7. Tax Help.................................................................................................4

8. Relationships........................................................................................5

9. Gambling...............................................................................................5

10. Escapism.............................................................................................5

11. Lower Housing Costs.........................................................................5

12. Health Issues.......................................................................................5

13. Hot News.............................................................................................6

14. Trading stocks and currencies.........................................................6

15. Help People With Financials..............................................................6

16. Business Cost Cutting.......................................................................6

17. Software - ...........................................................................................6

18. Make Money Online - .........................................................................7

Getting Help & Support...................................................................................8

Don't Get Scammed!....................................................................................8

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Bailout Bonanza

Introduction & Overview

This bonus guide builds on a mail sent out regarding Niche Marketing when

times are tough...

"OMG...the sky is falling!...Affiliate marketing is over!"

Hear any comments like this lately on forums?...LOL!

Never fear..the trend is your friend..

We'd like to share a mini-lesson on keeping your eyes and ears focused on

OPPORTUNITY in these shaky financial times, not doom and gloom.

Top Recession Proof Marketing Ideas

1. Help People Save Money

This one is pretty obvious and applies to many purchasing habits, but it's an

important thing to keep top of mind during tight economic times.

People will seek out alternatives and cost saving measures to reduce their

expenses in a number of ways, especially when it comes to necessities.

As you seek out new niche markets or look to expand existing ones, put

yourself in the consumers' shoes and think about potential cost saving

behaviours people might gravitate to.

Considering your own cost saving habits is a great place to start.

Here's just a few things people need and will look to save money on...

Cell phones & plans

Personal care products


Energy & gas savings


Speciality foods


2. Repairs & Improvements

The logic here is pretty simple, when people zip up their wallets and aren't

buying new products, they repair and improve their existing ones. And for

many things, they have no choice. Parts, how to guides, and cheap

alternatives are the name of the game here.

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Bailout Bonanza

3. Target the Wealthy and Luxury Items

Not talking just about moderately wealthy...we're talking sick wealthy here.

People who won't blink an eye at dropping some big money. Luxury items

may seem like a ridiculous thing to go after in a bad economy, and it certainly

sees a downturn. However, the wealthy may get spooked for a bit, but they

still have plenty of disposable funds. Their habits may change, but not

completely. Ultimately they're still going to break out their wallets to make

themselves feel good and it's somewhat of an undeserved market by affiliates.

You may also think they have a tendency to shop in person. Think again. A

new Google study shows 95% of wealthy shoppers in the market for high

ticket and luxury items do it online, higher than most other demographics.

4. Career Changes and Education

In a poor economy, people are going to be in transition due to layoffs,

cutbacks on hours and pay, etc. Prime opportunity to take advantage of a

surge in people looking for new career training and seeking out new jobs.

Along with that, there's secondary niche markets with things like resume

writing, which becomes especially important when the job market is tight.

Of course, there's also the “home biz opp” and “make money online” crowd

which will probably pick up even more steam.

5. Help People Get Out of Debt

Many Americans are in some mega deep water in terms of debt. Give them a

hand getting out of it. Huge opportunities for debt negotiation, debt reduction,

bankruptcy assistance, foreclosure assistance, transferring credit card

balances, etc.

6. Asset Protection

Offshore, Gold, Safer Sources for Savings and deposits.

7. Tax Help

The tighter people's wallets are, they more they're going to be on the lookout

for tax savings. Software, online services, professional and legal services,

negotiation, etc...can all be marketed as an affiliate.

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Bailout Bonanza

8. Relationships

Some things in life override any sort of financial pressure. Breakups, divorce,

finding new love, etc. These issues are highly emotional and consume

people's thoughts around the clock.

More directly related to a bad economy, financial difficulty is one of the top

causes of turmoil in a relationship. Also, more people may seek out a partner

to get their mind off other troubles and try to find someone to consolidate


9. Gambling

Gambling typically gets a nice boost during rough times for obvious reasons.

Plenty of good affiliate programs out there with recurring income. Some fairly

heavy restrictions on paid advertising though.

10. Escapism

During poor economic times, people naturally gravitate toward ways to

escape and think about something else. Sports, movies, tv, games, etc.

An example of this is something as simple as movie watching habits. Cutting

back on spending...instead of spending a Saturday afternoon at the local

movie theatre dropping $50 on tickets, popcorn, and snacks, people may

scale back and opt to hang out at home and order movies online through

Netflix or Blockbuster.

11. Lower Housing Costs

Take advantage of opportunity where people are in transition. People may

look to downsize their home or apartment. Also, people who have had to

change careers due to job loss or something similar will be in the market for a

place to live.

12. Health Issues

Good economy or bad economy, most health issues are not something

people will hesitate to spend money on.

Also, there's even more opportunity when you think about people seeking out

the lower cost of buying medical equipment, supplies, drugs (natural and

prescription), and other remedies online.

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Bailout Bonanza

13. Hot News

Hot political and business news can get a TON of traffic. Just bear in mind

some of that may be pretty short lived...but then again, you may stumble into

an ongoing goldmine.

Here's an example of a campaign targeted around the bank failures:



14. Trading stocks and currencies.

While lousy markets kill a lot of activity from long term investors, there's plenty

of people who are into making short term market plays. If things start to go

really haywire, Forex could present some outstanding opportunities for


15. Help People With Financials

Budgeting and financial advice can be huge, especially when times are tight.

There's plenty of budgeting software and how to guides to look at marketing

when things aren't going so well economically.

16. Business Cost Cutting

This is a pretty vast topic in and of itself, but promoting cost saving measures

to small, medium, and even large businesses.

Software, automation, payroll, Taxes, Incorporation, Legal Help, etc.

On a side note – you can do a lot at a local level with this as well by offering

your internet marketing expertise for a fee. IM can often end up in a huge

savings vs. some of the more physical advertising mediums.

17. Software -

Not talking about "fun" software here...functionality and problem solving

software is the key.

As we all know, there's plenty of problems with computers that just won't go

away and regardless of the economy, people still need solutions for computer

problems....probably even more so due to the hesitancy to run out and slap a

brand new computer onto a credit card.

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Bailout Bonanza

18. Make Money Online -

We would normally tell you to stay away from the 'make money online' niche

unless you are more experienced. Well we do...normally... but in case you

ain't noticed yet, the world has changed.

The posts in the forums now are not 'I want to quit my day job'...they are

'Shit! I just lost my day job'...think about it. What will those people now

search for on Google... 'Make Money Online'!!

AffiliateNicheClub is a 'make money online' program

Wealthy Affiliates is a 'make money online' program.

As are all the products in our 'Getting Help & Support' Section.

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Bailout Bonanza

Getting Help & Support

Don't Get Scammed!

There are literally tons of guides and membership sites out there that you will

at some point be tempted to buy or join. Many promise the secret to instant

affiliate marketing success. Don't be fooled or scammed. The truth is

Affiliate Marketing is NOT some big secret...some mystery that only a

privileged few 'Gurus' can master. It's just marketing, common sense, and

hard work...

Here are our main recommendations for Affiliate Marketing products that we

have used to help us along the way and still use and refer to every day:-

Wealthy Affiliates

THE best Affiliate Marketing membership there is covering all aspects of

Affiliate Marketing, with great guidance, tutorials, tools and the most helpful

AM forum around.

Beating Adwords

THE guide to mastering PPC Adwords.

Inside the List

THE guide to mastering List Building.


THE guide to mastering placement targeting.

Micro Niche Finder

THE only keyword tool we use outside Google's own tool.

One Week Marketing

THE guide to mastering the free marketing methods with the emphasis on


"PS. If you buy any of the products listed above or join WA via these links

we've got five great bonuses for ya!! Note: If you join WA via these links you

will need to PM myself or Thad once you get inside WA to get your bonuses”

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