Thursday, February 10, 2011

Encoura Review - Is Encoura A Good Opportunity Or A Sham?

What's The Deal With Encoura?

Encoura is a network marketing company that sells a variety of different products designed to be good for both people and the environment. They sell everything from nutritional products to face care, hair care and body care, and from household cleaning products to air freshners and scents.

Some people will think Encoura is a scam because it is a MLM company, and there are still a lot of people out there who are skeptical about MLM. The main reason that most people will call Encoura a scam, however, is because they will say that is impossible to make any money with the company. So let's have a look and see what we can discover.

Is Encoura A MLM Scam?

Encoura sells its products through Agents only, so they are not available through the traditional retail methods like shops or a dedicated website. You can join as an Agent and build your own business sharing the products with others, or you can just join as an Advantage Customer and enjoy the products at reduced prices.

The fact that Encoura is a MLM company is not a problem. There are hundreds of perfectly legit MLM companies out there, and the industry is fully regulated by official authorities and government organizations. MLM is not the same as pyramid selling, which is illegal in most countries. So from this point of view Encoura is totally legit.

The problem with Encoura, however, is that they are trying to compete in an incredibly crowded market place. There are literally hundreds of other products on the market that are very similar or do the same thing, and there are much bigger companies that are more famous, like Amway and Shaklee, for example, that already have the lion's share of the market. Encoura could maybe do with cutting down its product range and trying to specialize in one thing, because by trying to compete in so many different areas it could cause them to become a "jack of all trades, but master of none".

How To Make Money With Encoura

Encoura is definitely not a scam, and it is not impossible to make a bit of money with them. In order to give yourself a chance as an Agent, however, you will have to ditch the traditional sales parties, presentations, cold-calling, handing out flyers and business cards etc. There are too many other similar distributors out there doing exactly the same thing, and if you want to make some money you need to stand out from the crowd.

The only way you will be able to grow a successful Encoura business is by turning to the internet. Internet marketing is the next big thing to hit MLM, and it is proven to work wonders for people who are having trouble getting noticed in the vast sea of wellness products that are out there.

So Encoura is definitely not a scam, but unless you learn how to use the internet to give you an edge, it could turn out to be quite a difficult venture for you.

To find out more about how internet marketing could turn your business on its head, see Encoura Success Guide

Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has participated in the generation of over $14 million dollars in the direct-marketing industry in the past 4 years alone. To find out more about Josh, and to see how he uses the internet to grow his own business every single day, Click Here

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