Sunday, December 5, 2010

Valuable Blog Comments:

Blogs have been used in the internet as sources of information and human expression. They come in different forms ranging from business blogs to personal blogs, and from specific areas like travel and sports. Our fourth technique introduces a way to use blogs as leverage for traffic generation into your own website. This technique is a great way to get those desired links for your site. And more than that, this is a more of a relevant and meaningful way to attach your link. As much as possible, we want to avoid being branded as cheap or worse, spam. Thus our fourth technique is through the use of valuable blog comments.

This works by searching blogs in websites, preferably top blog sites like and These awesome sites have thousands of bloggers in them. You may want to fish into these rich, deep waters. So assuming you are planning to promote your website about cooking, you may want to search blogs about cooking and food, also maybe about restaurants. Then you’ll do the 5 step process we will introduce here in order to create valuable blog comments. This will work magic since unlike most blog commentaries; valuable blog comments possess sincerity of intention, relativity to the subject, and connection of common interest. There will be a 7/10 ratio or a 70% chance that your endorsed links will get through by the use of this process, contrary to the usual slim 20% probability that most cheap blog commentaries get.

There is sure way to get those blog comments running straight up to the trash can. That is through the use of cheap blog comments. Familiar lines like “Awesome Page, please check mine at (your site URL) are a no in the marketing arena. Simply put – there are no shortcuts to success. You have to earn it yourself. There is a valuable way to post blog comments. And this is done through the use of our 5 step process. Here it is:

The first process is to read the blog. That might sound simple. But our brains can trick us to assume that we already know what the blog is usually. So we are not reading at all, but assuming. Take the wisdom of the fully-filled glass of fowl water. Because it is full, it cannot take in new and fresh spring waters. So when we read the blog, make sure you really read it with an open mind.

The second process is to understand. This will only happen if we already did the first process. Have we figured out what the blog is really about? Or you rush in to post your cheap comment without really understanding the whole point of the blog. Understanding is the key to developing valuable responses and comments.

Third process is to relate. This is where connection happens and your comment becomes valuable because is it relevant to the point. We may consider relating our own personal experiences to the blog. How can I relate to the blog? Do I have something valuable to say?

If you do, them it is time to go to the fourth process. After reading, understanding and relating to the main point of the blog, then it is time to post your valuable blog comment.

Watch and see this process work wonders for you and your business.

And of course, the last and final step of the process is to attach the link of your website to your blog commentary. Everything will go easily now as long as you have already followed the initial 4 Steps to creating valuable blog comments.

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