Friday, February 18, 2011

A Bag of Gold Or the Golden Goose? Which Do You Want From Your Party Plan Company?

Is your dream to quit your job and stay home with the children or to provide extras for your family? Are you a stay at home mom who would like to do something for yourself? Perhaps you are looking for a career with flexibility? Then it is time to look at party plan companies.

When searching for the company that gives you the perfect fit, look for the golden goose instead of the bag of gold. Remember Jack and the Beanstalk? In this fairy tale Jack traded the family cow, which had quit giving milk, for a bag of magic beans. His mother, deeming that the beans were worthless, threw them out the window. When Jack awakened the next morning, a huge beanstalk had grown to the top of the sky. Jack raced up, curious to see what was at the top. Jack ends up stealing a bag of gold from the ogre and his wife who lived in a mansion at the top of the sky. The gold provided for Jack and his mother for quite some time, but it eventually ran out. Jack climbed up the beanstalk again. This time he stole a goose that laid golden eggs on command. The next time Jack climbed the beanstalk it wasn't because he was broke.

Kimberly built a business with a 'bag of gold' party plan company. She shows her wares, takes orders, and delivers them to the hostess. She isn't likely to see her customer again unless she hosts a party or shows up at a party that someone else is hosting. She is successful in her sales and has steady income as long as she steadily works.

Stefanie has found the goose that lays the golden egg. She sells home air freshening products. Her golden eggs are the reorders she gets for additional fragrance. She has found that she makes almost four times more on the reorders than she does the original party orders in one year's time.

There is no trick to this other than her own organization. She hands out catalogs regularly. Each guest at her parties, whether they order or not, is given her business card with the website of her company and her advisor number on it. She is making money day and night whenever her customers go to the website, enter her number, and place their orders.

As they begin the party, each of Stefanie's guests fills out an entry for a drawing. These forms are her source for further contact. She enters each email address into her computer's address book. At the end of the month she sends a mass email that contains a short message from her and lists the next month's specials. The customer can click on a link and be taken to her replicated website where they place their order. For the small cost the company charges, the replicated website brings her large returns.

For those customers who don't use the computer or whom she hasn't heard from for a time, Stefanie uses phone calls. When she began her business, it was part of her plan to spend a certain number of hours a week working it. She decided then that her time with family is valuable and wouldn't be traded for finacial reward. But, she also realized that the financial reward helps determine what her family can do during family time. There was a way she could have the financial benefits without compromising the time with her husband and children. She hired a high school girl at a low hourly wage to make the calls. More often than not, when she tells them why she is calling, she is greeted with an "Oh, I was just thinking I needed to call."

Stefanie's sales are consistent year round, not because her phone is ringing off the hook. She is the one that takes the initiative to incorporate the programs that her "golden goose" company provides for her. Like the goose that would lay golden eggs on command, Stefanie's customers buy when they are greeted in an email or phone call, "Hi, this is Stefanie. Just calling to let you know the specials this month are...." Now that is a golden egg!

By Deborah J Merrill
Co-founder of Cierra Ashley-Fragrance for Life, a very successful party plan business.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Air Pollution - A Distressing Reality

Today, air pollution has become a distressing reality in most parts of the world. Ecologists never tire to remind us about the need to maintain the delicate environmental balance between humans and plants to ensure the healthy survival of the human species. Plants and trees, nature's natural mechanism to purify the air that we breathe, have been successfully doing the job of air-purification for us for the last thousands of years. Our symbiotic relationship with them ensures that they cleanse our air of carbon dioxide, which they use for their survival, in exchange for oxygen, which is a necessity for our survival.

However, mankind's progress in the last hundred years has hindered this long standing arrangement with our natural environment. Mankind's progress towards an industrialized society has led to more machines which in turn have led to more pollution. The invention of automobiles and the smoke they collectively emit has contributed to the overall degradation of the air quality. Governments over the world are trying to control the air pollution by introducing regulations on permissible emission levels of industries.

Today we've reached a threshold where it has become necessary to invent and design appliances that will lend a hand in maintaining a healthy environment for humans to live in. These gadgets are commonly known as are air-purifiers.

Development of home air-purifiers

You will be surprised to learn that there are many sources of indoor air pollution. These include combustive sources such as oil, gas, kerosene, coal, wood; cigarettes and other products made from tobacco; building supplies such as paint and asbestos; furnishings such as wet and damp carpets and certain pressed wood furniture; household cleaning agents, like air freshners, personal care and cosmetic products; central heating and cooling systems such as air conditioners; outdoor sources such as pesticides all contribute to air-pollution. Some release pollutants in the air continuously while others like cleaning solvents and paint strippers do so intermittently.

Many homes are designed to let in and out as little outside air as possible. Unless they are built with special mechanical means of ventilation, in such homes pollution levels can build up to injurious levels giving rise to allergies, asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis colds or other viral diseases

Thus, manmade air-purifiers have today become essential to enhancing indoor air quality.

Jack Smith writes about various health, allergy and air purifier topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, all links remained intact, the bio remains in full and the rel="nofollow" tag is not added to any of the links. Thank-you - Please visit [] for more air purifier information and resources.

Non-Toxic Cleaning & Treatment

Extensive reading has borne this article. Having tried and tested the numerous methods on the internet, I consolidated different surveys and tips.


Amazing how the eco movement has evolved, especially the rate of its coverage. Below is a summary of how everyone's little action is a huge step towards eco friendly cleaning and a safer environment.

Products made at home are safer for health of the family and pets.

They are environmentally friendly compared to toxic chemical products on supermarket shelves.

Making your own cleaning aid will immediately & positively impact the shopping list i.e. drastically reduce the amount of money spent. Its is easy and straightforward to make products.

The most common ingredient to various cleaners are:

? lemon juice - This can be the natural lemon fruit or the concentrate in a bottle

? baking soda - the same as bicarbonate of soda

? white vinegar

The one item I found I had to buy (as it was not sitting in my kitchen) was lavender oil. I have since used it as air freshner. A few drops in the moping bucket, on the radiator, massage, etc amazing stuff.

Below are a few examples of how to clean your environment in a green way, using the common household ingredients.

Lemon juice

Apart from use as a great ingredient in your margarita....

? After using fresh lemon for food/cooking, you can use it to pedicure your feet. Rub it on your heels, wait 5minutes then pumice away. Summer feet ready.

? Equal parts of lemon juice and water in a cup will a steam a microwave clean. Put it in there and blast for full 4 to 6minutes. Wipe with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth.

Baking Soda

Same ingredient in making cupcakes.....

? Vacuum clean the carpet in the evening - prepping the carpet. After everyone is in bed, at night, sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on the carpet. In the morning, vacuum clean the carpet. Carpet will smell and look fresher and brighter.

? Make a paste with bicarbonate and some water. Rub on the inside of the oven. For tougher stains, mix bicarbonate of soda with vinegar.

? This same paste can be used for cleaning silverware.

White Vinegar

? Mix water and white wine vinegar for cleaning floors. Depending on the degree of dirt, the parts may vary. Also how regular the floor is cleaned will lift dirt quicker/easier. Getting on your hands and knees also goes some distance.

? Window and mirror cleaning also just need a drop of vinegar in a little water. Its like magic. With a dry cloth.

Don't get me wrong, at times, some sort of agent is necessary. In this circumstance, I highly recommend using eco friendly products. There is a wide range of brands and firms out there now.

Cleaning regularly guarantees you less elbow grease. Its not always possible and that's when cleaning agencies come in. Its always difficult to know which one to choose and contract.Takes credentials and most importantly, in my opinion, recommendation.

Kiki Muganda started up a cleaning business; Niki Edwards Services are based in London. They provide eco friendly services and aim to be best rated with exceptional results that suit individual circumstances. Only an email and phone call close.

Natural Products For a Healthier Home

Every effort we make as consumers to avoid buying and using toxic chemicals will help our family's and our environment. Please protect the health of your loved ones by limiting your exposure to toxic chemicals by using natural alternatives to commercial house hold & personal care products whenever possible.

You can have a fresh, clean and healthy home without all the chemicals. This article will share with you the safe alternative products that you can use to make your home fresh. They are safe & gentle but work well. See for yourself.

Discover the pleasure of using fragrant essential oils to create perfumes, bath salts and body lotions. Compare these natural ingredients found in some personal care and house cleaning products that you buy at the store.

Natural Alternatives

Air fresheners -Most air fresheners and deodorizers work by masking the unpleasant odor with synthetic fragrance. This coats your nasal passages with an oily film, or desensitizing your sense of smell. Use essential oils instead. Lemon oil helps to remove unwanted odors from the air. Use an Aromatherapy scent ball plug in diffuser.

Gentle Air Freshener

Drop 6 drops of lemon and 2 drops of clove essential oil onto the scent pad in the diffuser and plug it into the wall. This is a delicious combination to make your home feel both fresh and cozy.

Citrus Room Deodorizer

9 drops lemon

7 drops pink grapefruit

6 drops red mandarin

2 ounces of purified water

Combine oils and water in spray bottle. Shake well and spray to combat odors and infectious microbes.

Stress-Be-Gone Bath Salts

This combination is relaxing and rejuvenating. It's the perfect pick me up to use before a festive night out. Combine salts in a large glass bowl, add the essential oils and mix thoroughly. Spoon into glass jars. On your gift card add ¼ to ½ cups of salt per bath. Enjoy. Decorated the glass jars with holiday material & bows.


1 ½ cup sea or table salt

¾ cup of baking soda

10 drops of essential oil of lavender

8 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang

12 drops of essential oil of bergamot

Natural Jasmine Perfume

1 drop of Jasmine essential oil

2 drops of clove essential oil

1 drop of Sandalwood essential oil

10 ml vegetable oil or grape seed oil

Surface Clean up

Use baking soda on a wet sponge to remove crayon stains from washable walls, It will take off most marks including grease, pencils and markers.

Glass and Plastic- Make crystal really sparkle by giving it a short soaking in baking soda and warm water. Make scratch marks in stoneware less visible by applying a thick paste of baking soda and water

Let sit for a few minutes before washing. Freshen your dishwasher by adding 1/2 box of baking soda. Just run the normal cycle. Use can also use baking soda to clean your coffee pot.


My name is Jody Kelly. I live in the state of Illinois & have been a certified natural health professional since Dec. 2001. I have studied alternative health for 25+ years. I'm very interested in Nature & herbs. Through my herblogy classes, I have learned to formulate my own products such as herbal skin care for those stubborn rashes, natural body butters, bath salts, cough syrup, upper respitory oils, massage oils & many more helpful items for natural health.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Encoura Review - Is Encoura A Good Opportunity Or A Sham?

What's The Deal With Encoura?

Encoura is a network marketing company that sells a variety of different products designed to be good for both people and the environment. They sell everything from nutritional products to face care, hair care and body care, and from household cleaning products to air freshners and scents.

Some people will think Encoura is a scam because it is a MLM company, and there are still a lot of people out there who are skeptical about MLM. The main reason that most people will call Encoura a scam, however, is because they will say that is impossible to make any money with the company. So let's have a look and see what we can discover.

Is Encoura A MLM Scam?

Encoura sells its products through Agents only, so they are not available through the traditional retail methods like shops or a dedicated website. You can join as an Agent and build your own business sharing the products with others, or you can just join as an Advantage Customer and enjoy the products at reduced prices.

The fact that Encoura is a MLM company is not a problem. There are hundreds of perfectly legit MLM companies out there, and the industry is fully regulated by official authorities and government organizations. MLM is not the same as pyramid selling, which is illegal in most countries. So from this point of view Encoura is totally legit.

The problem with Encoura, however, is that they are trying to compete in an incredibly crowded market place. There are literally hundreds of other products on the market that are very similar or do the same thing, and there are much bigger companies that are more famous, like Amway and Shaklee, for example, that already have the lion's share of the market. Encoura could maybe do with cutting down its product range and trying to specialize in one thing, because by trying to compete in so many different areas it could cause them to become a "jack of all trades, but master of none".

How To Make Money With Encoura

Encoura is definitely not a scam, and it is not impossible to make a bit of money with them. In order to give yourself a chance as an Agent, however, you will have to ditch the traditional sales parties, presentations, cold-calling, handing out flyers and business cards etc. There are too many other similar distributors out there doing exactly the same thing, and if you want to make some money you need to stand out from the crowd.

The only way you will be able to grow a successful Encoura business is by turning to the internet. Internet marketing is the next big thing to hit MLM, and it is proven to work wonders for people who are having trouble getting noticed in the vast sea of wellness products that are out there.

So Encoura is definitely not a scam, but unless you learn how to use the internet to give you an edge, it could turn out to be quite a difficult venture for you.

To find out more about how internet marketing could turn your business on its head, see Encoura Success Guide

Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has participated in the generation of over $14 million dollars in the direct-marketing industry in the past 4 years alone. To find out more about Josh, and to see how he uses the internet to grow his own business every single day, Click Here

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Portable Fan Dispenser

Portable Fan DispenserStylish design. Use in rooms up to 300 sq. ft. 31/2w x 25/8d x 51/2h.

Price: $26.40

Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oral B 8900 - The Irrigator Leaves Your Teeth Beautifully Clean! Oral B Top Seller!

The Oral B 8900, also known as the Oral B ProfessionalCare 8900 DLX OxyJet Oral Care Center, is another addition to the Oral B toothbrush line of quality and useful electric toothbrushes. Unlike Sonicare toothbrushes, which lately seem to produce the same toothbrush over and over again just with different names, Oral B tends to incorporate useful and unique features to each of its models. The Oral B 8900 does just that.

Oral B ProfessionalCare 8900 dlx Oxyjet center Features:

FlexiSoft Brush head helps get in between your teeth to give your teeth a deep cleaning
ProBright Brush head is to be used when you want that polished white look on your teeth
Inter-dental cleaners to easily floss your teeth
Tongue Freshner helps clean your tongue and rid it of nasty odor causing bacteria
Professional Timer alerts you when to switch your brushing to different parts of your teeth
Pressure sensor alerts when too much pressure is being applied to your teeth
40,000 back and forth pulsations with 8,800 oscillations per minute
Oxy Jet water stream with different modes that help remove food debris with ease, similar to the Water Pik

Oral B 8900 Experience

The Oral B 8900 provides the same type of cleaning I loved with the Oral B Triumph 9900. This brush really gives you that feeling that you're getting a thorough and proper cleaning of your teeth. Especially with the rounded, dentist inspired brushes which replicate the dentist tools.

The other features, such as the floss head provides a much needed mechanical flossing strategy and the tongue refresher really helps to finish off the thorough cleaning.

Oral b 8900 DLX OxyJet center

My favorite part about this toothbrush, besides the fact that it is the only powered toothbrush to offer 3D cleaning action is the OxyJet irrigator. This allows micro-bubble technology to remove the bacteria that causes plaque. It does this by mixing air and water, which produces the micro bubbles that get deep in between your teeth.

Want to know more about this toothbrush and to find some of the lowest prices on the net for them? Click Here--> Oral B 8900

For more ratings on other toothbrushes, visit my site Electric Toothbrush Ratings

Unique New Process to Eliminate Odors

Bacteria, those nasty little critters that cause infection, are also the nasty boogers that cause foul odors in the air. Whether it is a rotten piece of meat or a smelly restaurant bathroom, it is the bacteria which create the unpleasant odors. For years, people have bought many different kinds of products to mask the odor or minimize it. Manufacturers have focused their efforts on ways to hide the odors or overpower the bad odors with some good clean smelling scents.

Well, better news is here. Some innovative minds in Georgia decided to go to the heart of the problem and attack the bacteria putting off the odor. Why beat around the bush? Squeaky Klean has created a 100% biodegradable enzyme based liquid that attacks and kills the odor producing bacteria. Not only does it eliminate the odors but minimizes the risk of infection, too, by killing the bacteria. The best part is that it has been proven safe for humans and pets.

It is kind of scary when you think about walking into a pet supply store or dog kennel. There is always that animal smell which permeates the air while youngsters are picking out their puppy or kitten. But most of what you smell is not the animals themselves, but bacteria feasting. Billions and billions of bacteria. Not a pleasant thought to a mom or dad bringing in their precious children.

With this new revolutionary technology, odors will be a thing of the past. Not just masking, but killing the bacteria and ridding your place of germs. Just think, restaurants and bars can use this stuff in their restrooms, neutralizing the urine smell and reducing bacteria. How nice would it be to go to a ballgame and not have to inhale all of the bad odor bacteria in the restrooms.

It is neat when you think about how this product actually cleans the air itself by eating the bacteria floating around in the air.