Monday, February 14, 2011

Non-Toxic Cleaning & Treatment

Extensive reading has borne this article. Having tried and tested the numerous methods on the internet, I consolidated different surveys and tips.


Amazing how the eco movement has evolved, especially the rate of its coverage. Below is a summary of how everyone's little action is a huge step towards eco friendly cleaning and a safer environment.

Products made at home are safer for health of the family and pets.

They are environmentally friendly compared to toxic chemical products on supermarket shelves.

Making your own cleaning aid will immediately & positively impact the shopping list i.e. drastically reduce the amount of money spent. Its is easy and straightforward to make products.

The most common ingredient to various cleaners are:

? lemon juice - This can be the natural lemon fruit or the concentrate in a bottle

? baking soda - the same as bicarbonate of soda

? white vinegar

The one item I found I had to buy (as it was not sitting in my kitchen) was lavender oil. I have since used it as air freshner. A few drops in the moping bucket, on the radiator, massage, etc amazing stuff.

Below are a few examples of how to clean your environment in a green way, using the common household ingredients.

Lemon juice

Apart from use as a great ingredient in your margarita....

? After using fresh lemon for food/cooking, you can use it to pedicure your feet. Rub it on your heels, wait 5minutes then pumice away. Summer feet ready.

? Equal parts of lemon juice and water in a cup will a steam a microwave clean. Put it in there and blast for full 4 to 6minutes. Wipe with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth.

Baking Soda

Same ingredient in making cupcakes.....

? Vacuum clean the carpet in the evening - prepping the carpet. After everyone is in bed, at night, sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on the carpet. In the morning, vacuum clean the carpet. Carpet will smell and look fresher and brighter.

? Make a paste with bicarbonate and some water. Rub on the inside of the oven. For tougher stains, mix bicarbonate of soda with vinegar.

? This same paste can be used for cleaning silverware.

White Vinegar

? Mix water and white wine vinegar for cleaning floors. Depending on the degree of dirt, the parts may vary. Also how regular the floor is cleaned will lift dirt quicker/easier. Getting on your hands and knees also goes some distance.

? Window and mirror cleaning also just need a drop of vinegar in a little water. Its like magic. With a dry cloth.

Don't get me wrong, at times, some sort of agent is necessary. In this circumstance, I highly recommend using eco friendly products. There is a wide range of brands and firms out there now.

Cleaning regularly guarantees you less elbow grease. Its not always possible and that's when cleaning agencies come in. Its always difficult to know which one to choose and contract.Takes credentials and most importantly, in my opinion, recommendation.

Kiki Muganda started up a cleaning business; Niki Edwards Services are based in London. They provide eco friendly services and aim to be best rated with exceptional results that suit individual circumstances. Only an email and phone call close.

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